景苏,教授,博士生导师。1992、1995年分别获得南京大学学士、硕士学位, 2006年获得英国Swansea大学博士学位。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、973子课题、教育部留学回国人员基金项目、欧洲公司技术开发课题、江苏省科技厅社会发展项目、江苏省生态环境厅科研项目等, 参加完成江苏省高技术研究计划1项。
1. T. Zhou, S. Zhang, L. Zhang*, T. Jiang, H. Wang, L. Huang, H. Wu, Z. Fan, S. Jing*, Redox ferrocenylseleno compounds modulate longitudinal and transverse relaxation times of MRI contrast agents FNPs-Gd for multimodal imaging and photo-Fenton therapy, Acta Biomater. 2023, 164, 496-510.
2. T. Zhou, Q. Cheng, L. Zhang, D. Zhang, L. Li, T. Jiang, L. Huang, H. Xu, M. Hu, S. Jing*, Ferrocene-functionalized core–shell lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles: NIR light promoted chemodynamic therapy and luminescence imaging of solid tumors, Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 438, 135637.
3. G. Zha, W. Ji, Z. Qi, W. Qiu, A. Li, D. Zhu, S. Jing*, Microenvironment modulation of cuprous cluster enables inert aryl chlorides activation in single-molecule metallaphotoredox amination, J. Catal. 2022, 405, 313-321.
4. J. Zhou, X. Zhu, Q. Cheng, Y. Wang, R. Wang, X. Cheng, J. Xu, K. Liu, L. Li, X. Li, M. He, J. Wang, H. Xu, S. Jing*, and L. Huang*, Ferrocene functionalized upconversion nanoparticle nanosystem with efficient near-infrared-light-promoted Fenton-like reaction for tumor growth suppression, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 9177-9187. (Supplementary Cover Paper)
5. R. Wang, T. Zhou, A. Li, J. Qu*, X. Zhang, X. Zhu, S. Jing*, The design of fluorescein–ferrocene derivatives as HOCl-triggered turn-on fluorescent probes and anticancer prodrugs, Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 15330-15338.
6. W. Ji, H. Wang, C.-A. Li, F. Gao, Z.-F. An, L. Huang, H. Wang, Y. Pan, D.-R. Zhu, J.-Q. Wang, C. Guo, J. A. Mayoral, S. Jing*, Cuprous cluster as effective single-molecule metallaphotocatalyst in white light-driven C-H arylation, J. Catal. 2019, 378, 270-276.
7. Y. Wang, B. Yang, Y. Han, E. Zhou, D. Wang, Q. Cheng, S. Jing*, L. Huang*, Modulation of lanthanide luminescence via an electric field, Nanoscale 2019, 11, 16562-16570.
8. X. Cheng, H. Ge, Y. Wei, K. Zhang, W. Su, J. Zhou, L. Yin, Q. Zhan, S. Jing*, and L. Huang*, Design for Brighter Photon Upconversion Emissions via Energy Level Overlap of Lanthanide Ions, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 10992-10999.
9. W. Ji, J. Qu, C-A Li, J.W. Wu, S. Jing*, F. Gao, Y.N. Lv, C. Liu, D.R. Zhu, X.M. Ren, W. Huang, In situ surface assembly of core-shell TiO2-copper(I) cluster nanocomposites for visible-light photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI), Appl. Catal. B- Environ. 2017, 205, 368-375.