罗宏斌 博士 副教授(校聘) 硕士生导师
2023/03-至今 南京工业大学 副教授(校聘) 硕士生导师
2020/12-2023/03 南京工业大学 师资博士后
2019/10-2020/12 美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校 博士后
2017/10-2019/10 美国马里兰大学 CSC联培博士
2013/09-2019/06 南京工业大学 硕士/博士
主要从事晶态多孔材料的晶体工程、制备方法、离子传输和催化等功能性研究,以及其在能源与环境等领域的应用探索。迄今,在国际学术期刊Advanced Materials、ACS Catalysis、ACS Nano、Small、ACS Materials Letters、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Inorganic Chemistry、Chemical Communications、Dalton Transactions等发表SCI论文40余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文21篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目以及中国博士后科学基金面上项目。担任Chemistry - A European Journal、Crystal Growth & Design、Materials and Design、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等期刊审稿人。
1. Z. Y. Liu, H. Zhang, X. Y. Ren, H. B. Luo,* J. Zhang, X. M. Ren,* Functionalization of Cluster-Nodes in a Metal-Organic Framework for Light-Manipulating Proton Conduction. ACS Materials Lett. 2024, 6, 461-465.
2. F. J. Zhao, Y. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Y. Ren, H. Dong, H. Zhang, Q. Ren, H. B. Luo,* Y. Zou, X. M. Ren,* Acidified Nitrogen Self-Doped Porous Carbon with Superprotonic Conduction for Applications in Solid-State Proton Battery. Small 2023, 2305765.
3. Y. R. Kong, W. Qiu, G. Q. Zhang, D. S. Shao, X. Z. Wang, H. B. Luo,* X. W. Pan, X. M. Ren.* Phase Transition and Ionic Conduction Enhancement Induced by Co-Doping of LiI and MnI2 in a One-Dimensional Lead Iodide Perovskite. Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 8436-8439.
4. F. R. Lin, Z. Y. Liu, H. Zhang, M. Liu, H. B. Luo,* Y. Zou, X. M. Ren.* Proton Conductive Thin Films of Metal-Organic Framework for Impedance Detection of Formic Acid. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2023, 360, 112722.
5. H. B. Luo,* F. R. Lin, Z. Y. Liu, Y. R. Kong, K. B. Idrees, Y. Liu,* Y. Zou, O. K. Farha, X. M. Ren,* MOF-Polymer Mixed Matrix Membranes as Chemical Protective Layers for Solid-Phase Detoxification of Toxic Organophosphates, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 2933-2939.
6. J. Zhang, Y. R. Kong, Y. Liu, H. B. Luo,* Y. Zou, S. Q. Zang,* X. M. Ren,* Superprotonic Conduction of Acidified Benzimidazole-Linked Covalent Organic Framework, ACS Materials Lett. 2022, 4, 2597-2603.
7. P. Wang, J. Fortner, H. B. Luo, J. Kłos, X. Wu, H. Qu, F. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Wang.* Quantum Defects: What Pairs with the Aryl Group When Bonding to the sp2 Carbon Lattice of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes? J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 13234-13241.
8. Q. Ren, Y. Chen, Y. R. Kong, J. Zhang, H. B. Luo,* Y. Liu, Y. Zou, X. M. Ren,* Metal-Organic Framework-Derived N‑Doped Porous Carbon for a Superprotonic Conductor at above 100 °C, Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 20057-20063.
9. D. S. Shao, L. Sang, Y. R. Kong, Z. R. Deng, H. B. Luo,* Z. F. Tian, X. M. Ren,* Tunable Thermotropic Phase Transition Triggering Large Dielectric Response and Superionic Conduction in Lead Halide Perovskites, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 5653-5662.
10. J. Zhang, X. He, Y. R. Kong, H. B. Luo,* M. Liu, Y. Liu, X. M. Ren,* Efficiently Boosting Moisture Retention Capacity of Porous Superprotonic Conducting MOF-802 at Ambient Humidity via Forming a Hydrogel Composite Strategy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 37231-37238.
11. M. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. R. Kong, H. B. Luo,* Y. Liu, X. M. Ren,* Thin Films of an Ultrastable Metal-Organic Framework for Formic Acid Sensing with High Selectivity and Excellent Reproducibility, ACS Materials Lett. 2021, 3, 1746-1751.
12. H. B. Luo, A. J. Castro, M. C. Wasson, W. Flores, O. K. Farha, Y. Liu,* Rapid, Biomimetic Degradation of a Nerve Agent Simulant by Incorporating Imidazole Bases into a Metal-Organic Framework, ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 1424-1429.
13. J. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. R. Kong, H. B. Luo,* Y. Zou, L. Zhai,* X. M. Ren. Acidic Groups Functionalized Carbon Dots Capping Channels of a Proton Conductive Metal-Organic Framework by Coordination Bonds to Improve the Water-Retention Capacity and Boost Proton Conduction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 60084-60091.
14. Y. R. Kong, R. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. B. Luo,* Y. Liu, Y. Zou, X. M. Ren.* Microwave-Assisted Rapid Synthesis of Nanoscale MOF-303 for Hydrogel Composites with Superior Proton Conduction at Ambient-Humidity Conditions. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 14681-14688.
15. H. B. Luo, Q. Ren, Y. Liu,* J. Zhang, X. M. Ren,* Proton Conduction of an Acid-Resistant Open-Framework Chalcogenidometalate Hybrid in Anhydrous versus Humid Environments, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 7283-7289.
16. H. B. Luo,# P. Wang,# X. Wu, H. Qu, X. M. Ren, Y. Wang,* One-Pot, Large-Scale Synthesis of Organic Color Center-Tailored Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 8417-8424.
17. H. B. Luo, Q. Ren, P. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Wang, X. M. Ren,* High Proton Conductivity Achieved by Encapsulation of Imidazole Molecules into Proton-Conducting MOF-808, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 9164-9171.
18. Q. Ren, J. W. Yu, H. B. Luo,* J. Zhang, L. Wang, X. M. Ren,* Design and Preparation of a Superior Proton Conductor by Confining Tetraethylenepentamine in the Pores of ZIF-8 To Induce Further Adsorption of Water and Carbon Dioxide, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 14693-14700.
19. H. B. Luo, M. Wang, J. Zhang, Z. F. Tian,* Y. Zou, X. M. Ren,* Open-Framework Chalcogenide Showing Both Intrinsic Anhydrous and Water-Assisted High Proton Conductivity, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 2619-2627.
20. H. B. Luo, M. Wang, S. X. Liu, C. Xue, Z. F. Tian,* Y. Zou, X. M. Ren,* Proton Conductance of a Superior Water-Stable Metal-Organic Framework and Its Composite Membrane with Poly(vinylidene fluoride), Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 4169-4175.
21. H. B. Luo, M. Wang, S. X, Liu, W. L. Liu,* Y. Zou, Z. F. Tian, X. M. Ren.* Both Dielectrics and Conductance Anomalies in an Open-Framework Cobalt Phosphate. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 13998-14004.
22. H. B. Luo, L. T. Ren, W. H. Ning, S. X. Liu, J. L. Liu, X. M. Ren,* Robust Crystalline Hybrid Solid with Multiple Channels Showing High Anhydrous Proton Conductivity and a Wide Performance Temperature Range, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 1663-1667.